Anyone, especially a woman who has entered the cannabis industry and started from ground zero in business knows the hurdles faced are more than just a typical person opening a business. Business in the cannabis industry is especially challenging on many different levels and we are happy to share all the hurdles that one will experience over time on our substack. Recently I got asked an interesting question from a company doing a write up on the Women in Cannabis Expo (WICE).
The question proposed was in regard to building one’s reputation. ”What do you think helped you build your reputation within your market?”
I sat and thought about this question for a while because I have many answers. I could argue it’s my drive and my large appetite to get shit done. I could argue that my previous experience of owning my own photography business for 10yrs helped me. I could argue that my experience from healthcare of 20yrs prepared me as well.
All of those experiences absolutely played a role in me being successful in building my reputation, my brand and my message. But the biggest thing that has built my reputation is what I call the 3 C’s and I am not talking about diamonds, especially the sparkler I bought for myself years ago. Are you ready for my secret sauce? The 3C’s are “Consistency, Consistency, Consistency”. Why repeat this word 3 times and why this word? Because in building any type of company and especially one in the cannabis space, consistency is the key.
Do you recall the story of the Hare and the Tortoise? Well, if you do, you may remember the Hare was extremely eager. He was eager to win, and he was eager to beat his fellow competitor, the Tortoise. Basically, the Hare was eager with his ego. Fast doesn’t build a reputation. Fast doesn’t showcase who or what your brand is. Fast doesn’t mean consistent and fast doesn’t mean as a business owner you're doing a great job.
Consistency is key, like the Tortoise, and what happened with the Tortoise? His consistency in the end helped him win the race. So, how do we apply consistency in the cannabis industry and what advice have I given to fellow cannabis business owners?
If you’re opening a company, you are building a brand, and brands need to be consistent. This includes your brands logo, colors and mission statement or message. If you’re a company that is purchasing brands at wholesale prices for resale, be consistent on what you offer consumers. If you keep switching products all the time, you will lose clients who won’t be able to find their favorite brands through you. If you're building something from the ground up like many of us in the cannabis space are doing and did, make sure you are consistent.
I’m not saying you can’t ever change anything in your brand. Businesses have to conduct changes when they come up. What I’m saying, is that, if you're all over the place, or you don’t know what you want your brands message to reflect, then it will be hard for you to build your brand. If you're in that position, take a step back and really take the time to figure out what key pieces you're missing and how you can make them consistent, so in the end you come out shining bright like a diamond or a Tortoise. Either way, you will win by building your brands repetition over time with consistency.
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